Cooperation between the Loire-Niger-Mekong in action

Published on 26 May 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

This three-year (2007-09) regional management and river corridor heritage conservation project progresses with two studies undertaken as part of the "Improving knowledge of fluvial regions" initiative.

As part of a five-month course (March-August 2008), Céline Malet, a student at the University of Tours, is studying the state of the banks of the river Niger in the Mopti region (Mali), and analysing the causes of damage and consequences for the people living on the banks of the river. This work will make it possible, with the help of A specialist consultant, to draw up specifications for projects trialling innovative methods for the protection and enhancement of natural fluvial environments, for instance stabilising banks using soil engineering and agro-ecological systems. This study, carried out as part of devolved cooperation between the Centre Regional Authority and the Mopti Regional Assembly, furthers work undertaken for the Water Facility project by Samba Hibraim Sacko, a student at the University of Bamako.
In Laos, between June and August 2008 Lauren Valverde, also a student at the University of Tours, will draw up an inventory of the plant species in the river corridor of the Nam Khan, a tributary of the Mekong river. The aim is to take into account the environmental impacts of the growing of new crops on the banks of the river. This work will receive the support of Volunteers for Progress from the Centre region present in the region, in the framework of the partnership between the Centre region and Luang-Prabang province.



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