Conference cycle “Nul n’est censé ignorer la Loire !”

Published on 28 February 2013 - Updated 06 March 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

The Loire inspires artists, gets scientists thinking and treats its visitors to delightful outings on foot, by bicycle or on its barges … But for all that the Loire may be the backbone of the towns on its banks, inhabitants often know very little about it. The next conference cycle for the Mercredis de Thélème (Thélème Wednesdays) from February to December 2013 is therefore an invitation to look riverwards and to find out more about it through themes developed by teachers and researchers at the University of Tours and their guests.

Always described as a wild river (session 1), the Loire is steeped in images and imaginings in literature and history (session 2). The beauty of its gentle eddies can eclipse the fact that the river is prone to breaking its banks (session 3). The history of the Loire is being forgotten … when its trades, culture and gastronomy are still implicitly part of its residents’ daily lives (session 4). Likewise, the biodiversity of landscapes (session 5) and wildlife (session 6) are just some of the fragile elements making up its future, a future urban development that is striving to turn towns once again towards the river and restore pride of place to all that the Loire has to offer (session 7). 




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L Alose, une plate de Loire, navigue sur la Loire à Chalonnes-sur-Loire, avec cinq personnes à son bord.
© Les Chalandoux du 5e vent


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Un castor dans la Loire tenant une branche dans ses pattes pour contruire le barrage que l on aperçoit derrière lui.
© Étienne Davodeau


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