Blois and Hué: towards Franco-Vietnamese cooperation

Published on 15 June 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

On Wednesday 23 May 2007, the town of Blois welcomed a delegation from the town of Hué (Vietnam) led by its mayor, Nguyen Van Cao. A cooperation agreement was signed in order to encourage exchanges between the two towns. Nicolas Perruchot, the mayor of Blois, presented the first programme under the agreement, welcoming two young Vietnamese students to the Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs du Val de Loire for a five-year course in engineering.

The two towns have many points in common. Whilst Blois is a royal town, Hué is an imperial one, and was home to the last imperial dynasty until 1945. The town was included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in 1993. Lastly, it too is divided by a river, the so-called "Perfume River".
In both cases, those in power have made use of the river to magnify the region in both political and cultural terms, to ensure that its influence extends well beyond the borders of its own country.

Further information:

Hué monument complexes, on the World Heritage Centre website  
and a virtual tour of the monuments:  

Town of Blois  



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