Assistance for heritage in the Pays de la Loire Region

Published on 19 January 2017 - Updated 23 May 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The Pays de la Loire Regional Council drew up a new cultural strategy in June 2017. It is establishing new forms of assistance to restore, preserve and pass on heritage, adding to the body of existing measures.

Assistance for restoring the protected heritage of buildings or sites classified or listed as historical monuments and, exceptionally, for their surrounding areas, was just extended to owners who do not occupy the properties. It is therefore aimed at municipalities and their groups, départements, HLM social housing associations, co-ownership unions, private individuals, non-commercial real estate companies (SCI), associations and foundations, etc. 

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Participatory funding assistance is aimed at "small local heritage" (including wash-houses, wells, kilns, barns, chapels, altarpieces and war memorials) which is not singled out for specific protection, but is worth preserving for its aesthetic and ethnological value.
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A whole host of religious buildings, in particular in rural municipalities, are not protected as historical monuments. The Pays de Loire Region helps municipalities, groups with fewer than 3,000 inhabitants and their associations, with water- and weather-proofing religious buildings and with the restoration of the décor on their walls which has remarkable historical and heritage interest.
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Authorities, associations and stakeholders in the field of heritage knowledge and promotion can respond to the Pays de la Loire Region's call for proposals.
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This call for proposals aims to encourage municipality and association initiatives advocating knowledge and promotion of their heritage. Special attention will be given to the links created between heritage sites and the local area cultural stakeholders.




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