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An educational kit for secondary schools to increase awareness of the Loire Valley’s landscape

Published on 03 May 2011 - Updated 27 August 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Containing educational and documentary materials explaining the geographical, heritage and cultural aspects of the Loire Valley, this kit is available for use by teachers. It suggests class- and visit-based activities linked to the Loire Valley and designed to tie in with the curriculum. A multidisciplinary approach has been adopted that takes account of the many aspects of this heritage, especially that of cultural landscape.

The kit, all contained in a box, is distributed to all library and information centres (CDI, Centres de Documentation et de l’Information) in secondary schools in the Loire valley as well as to regional and educational resource centres in the local département (CRDP/CDDP, Centres Régional de Documentation Pédagogique/Centres Departmentaux de Documentation Pédagogique) and heritage and environment education facilities with documentation centres (Maisons de Loire, open air museums, etc.).  

This kit is the outcome of a project undertaken jointly by the Orleans-Tours Academy, the Mission Val de Loire and the Pays de la Loire and Centre regions. 

Académie d Orléans-Tours - Fonds FEDER - Plan Loire Grandeur Nature - Mission Val de Loire

Raising awareness amongst young people of the challenges of preserving the Loire’s culture.

The Loire Valley has been registered as an evolving and living cultural landscape and a listed World Heritage site since 30 November 2000. 

This listing assumes that the location’s unique cultural value will be preserved, both in terms of its integrity as well as its authenticity. To this end, all those who live locally - and especially secondary school students - need to be reminded of the value of the component parts of this landscape, so that they can contribute, in the future, to the development of the geography, heritage and culture of their local region. 

It is hoped that modified versions of the kit will be available for students at apprentice training colleges (CFA, Centre de Formation d'Apprentis).  


Rémi Deleplancque 

Education and culture policy officer 

Mission Val de Loire 

81 rue Colbert BP4322-37043 TOURS cedex 1 

Telephone: 02 47 66 94 49 - Fax: 02 47 66 02 18 

deleplancque (a) mission-valdeloire.fr 


The kit contents: 



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