A workshop on heritage mediation in Fontevraud

Published on 28 March 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC) in partnership with the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (Catholic University of the West) and in conjunction with Europa Nostra (the European Federation for Cultural Heritage), the Centre Culturel de l’Ouest (Cultural Centre of the West) in Fontevraud and the International Rivers and Heritage Institute is organising a workshop on heritage mediation from 31 March to 2 April at the Abbaye de Fontevraud.

The rapid increase in leisure time in European countries, a greater emphasis on travel and the development of technology and also the media have provided an excellent opportunity for discovering heritage. They have also made the public more demanding with regard to the tourist and cultural products and services on offer.
In order to face up to this new reality and the competitive environment, public and private sites need to think about the kinds of cultural mediation they offer their target audience(s): 
  • Developing solutions appropriate to a diversified demand 
  • Exploring all the opportunities offered by new developments 
  • Supporting the emergence of new art forms without allowing technology to prevail over cultural content
The aim of the workshop is to analyse the products and services offered to visitors in heritage sites, to explore the language of heritage mediation at an international level, to share and disseminate experience and case studies of good practice, and to provide information on the training programmes available in this area.
The workshop is organised into three main sessions: 
  • Defining the products and services offered to visitors to heritage sites and analysing the relationship between form and content 
  • Providing an update on existing training courses available on the subject of heritage mediation and how these are developing in a European context 
  • Determining together the level of interest in and possibility of developing a joint project/programme in this specific area
Contact the Catholic university of the west



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