A winning ride for the Loire à Vélo

Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 16 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

After the resounding success of 2012, with over 800,000 cyclists taking to the cycle path, all of the Loire à Vélo stakeholders – institutions and professionals alike – are remaining firmly in the saddle to improve the facilities and services provided to cycling tourists on an ongoing basis.

160 km of cycle path in the Indre-et-Loire.

The Loire à Vélo cycle path is now complete in the Indre-et-Loire; with the construction in Amboise of a bridge over the Amasse – a tributary of the Loire. This 20m long bridge weighing 20 tons rounds off the developments already laid out, particularly the construction of two other bridges (one in Amboise, in the wetland adjoining the Château car park, and one in Mosnes, to cross over the Ru). 


Professionals in action

70 Loire à Vélo stakeholders met in Nantes on 14th March to discuss and think about new services that could be developed in the future to continueto please the cyclists who use this route. 


On this website:



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