A joint website for 18 Loire châteaux

Published on 28 July 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

The 18 major heritage sites of the Val de Loire committed to an excellence initiative now have a joint website to attract and win over a new clientele. Overseen by the SEM régionale des Pays de la Loire, this project is conducted in partnership with the 18 sites, the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions (through the SEM, Centre Tourist Board and Val de Loire Mission) and Maison de la France.


The purpose is to shed the international spotlight on these tourist sites, by focusing on the historical and cultural wealth of the Loire châteaux as well as their location in the Val de Loire, which is listed as a World Heritage Site between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes.
Primarily informative for the time being, the website presents:
  • each of the monuments
  • the events bringing them to life
  • outing ideas for families and seniors in the towns and countryside with the Loire à Vélo cycle path
  • the Val de Loire as a tourist destination.
Written in French only for now, by the end of 2009 it will be available in four languages, with other languages soon following, with a view to promoting the Loire châteaux abroad, with the signature "Finest France".
The website look and tools have been carefully worked with the agency Interakting to give a fresh, vibrant image to the elegance and prestige of the Loire châteaux.
www.loire-chateaux.org The main heritage sites of the Val de Loire



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