A common identity for Loire wines

Published on 23 April 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

In February 2008, InterLoire, the inter-branch organisation for Loire Wines, unveiled its new identity with a name, “Vins de Loire", and a brand identity inspired by its home territory, the Loire.

Following the merger of InterLoire and CIVN (the Interprofessional Committee for Nantes Wines), a strategic rethink has been underway to develop the brand awareness and qualitative perception of Loire Wines in order to achieve Grande Région Viticole ( Great Wine-Producing Region) status. It became clear that a common communications policy was needed for all Loire Wines (from Nantes to Blois).
A quest for identity thus began for a wine-producing region characterised by a variety of terroirs, appellations and grape varieties: what they share is the Loire. The new strapline, “ Les Vins qui ont un fleuve pour terroir” (“ Wines which have a river for a terroir”), is therefore a real declaration of identity.
The posters, which constitute one of the elements of the media plan, draw on the exceptional quality of the Loire landscapes, some of which have had international recognition since the Loire Valley achieved UNESCO World Heritage status in 2000 under the cultural landscapes category.

Click on the posters to enlarge them:

Grands blancs 1   Grands rouges 1   Grands moelleux

Grands rosés   Fines bulles   Grands rouges 2

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