[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 04 May 2016 - Updated 20 May 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans
Herbariums are collections of dried plants along with seeds, wood, mosses and mushrooms. They testify to the region’s biodiversity and botanical activity. The HerbEnLoire projects aims to inventory, diagnose and provide an expert assessment of this invaluable but all too often forgotten heritage, with a view to protecting and promoting it, and making it more accessible to one and all.
Having such an exhaustive and detailed census available will facilitate historical research on the region’s collectors and scientific study of the distribution of species since the 19th century.
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