A Journey through the heart of the Loire

Published on 23 May 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

From 30 June to 8 July 2007, from Tours (Amboise) to Nantes (Donges Est).

In the course of the journey, meetings with a variety of people and personalities who work on and around the Loire have been arranged by the SOS Loire Vivante Association. There will also be visits to projects that have been carried out under the Loire Grandeur Nature plan and the Loire Nature programme, involving schemes that are cultural (Estuaire 2007) or concerned with sport.

This Journey through the heart of the Loire is also an opportunity to inform the public about the next Loire Plan 2007-2013 and the Water Management Directive which aims at putting rivers and lakes  into a “good ecological state” by 2015.  

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