5th Encounter of “La Loire à Vélo” brand actors

Published on 28 October 2014 - Updated 05 November 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The encounter took place at Caves Ackerman in Saumur on 14 October 2014. Organised by the Regional Agency on behalf of the Pays de La Loire and Centre Regions, the event brought together some 200 professionals.

Points to bear in mind

  • “La Loire à Vélo” is now a network of 525 professionals (accommodation providers, bicycle hire companies, tourist offices, and visit sites) committed to the national “Accueil Vélo” initiative and all bearing the “La Loire à Vélo” label, guaranteeing quality tourism services throughout the itinerary. In 2009, there were only 134 of them!
  • Over 750,000 people followed the “La Loire à Vélo” itinerary between January and August 2014, a 10% rise compared to 2013. Economic benefits are to the tune of €16.2M (up 5% compared with the same period last year), mostly (96%) from tourists (4% from local day-trippers).
  • A new survey is to be carried out in 2015 to complement and update this overview, an essential tool for adapting services provided along the route to the needs of French and foreign users.
  • A Guide du Routard on “La Loire à Vélo” is due to appear in February 2015. It will be the first title in a new series to be published by Le Routard, “Le Guide du Routard à Vélo”.

View the day’s support materials on the event page. 

On the web:


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