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  • 4th meeting of French World Heritage sites – 18 and 19 October – Pont du Gard - Arles

4th meeting of French World Heritage sites – 18 and 19 October – Pont du Gard - Arles

Published on 22 September 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The Pont du Gard and the town of Arles are hosting the 4th meeting of French World Heritage sites, first held in 2004 in the Val de Loire.

The aim of these meetings is to further the prospects for joint actions by the 30 French sites included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, through sharing ideas and participating in discussions on working in a network, management plans for World Heritage sites and developing joint communications initiatives for the French sites.
In addition, there will be a focus on sharing the experiences of different sites in the area of international cooperation with, notably, the participation of partners from Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) for the purpose of creating a network of Mediterranean World Heritage sites, supported by the France – UNESCO Cooperation Agreement.
France – UNESCO Cooperation Agreement



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