The assessment

Published on 16 November 2018 - Updated 13 December 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

All of the partner procedures began with an assessment of the OUV at the scale of the action undertaken. Three methodological points are identified following trials.

  1. First and foremost a "landscape review", involving the Main Contractor, the State, heritage and landscape experts and users to identify what knowledge has been acquired and perceptions and to adjust the scope to the spatial planning issues on the ground.
  2. An expert review involving the geographer, historian, archaeologist and landscape designer to identify the OUV components and how they are evolving over time.
  3. Definition of landscape quality aims to take legacies, perceptions and users' expectations into joint consideration and endow the assessment with an operational dimension. 

 See the tools and methods

  • Act
  • Guide pratique - Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire

The landscape plan is a tool for elected representatives to harness in raising the appeal of an area by defining aims in terms of landscape quality. It is a way of seeing the landscape as a resource and driver for local development.



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