Protecting symbolic sites

Published on 19 November 2018 - Updated 13 December 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Since 2005, the State has been conducting a policy to protect the most symbolic sites in light of the Unesco inscription criteria, combining two complementary procedures: listed sites and areas for enhancing architecture and heritage (AVAP), which became remarkable heritage sites (SPR) under the Act of 7 July 2016 on creative freedom, architecture and heritage.

Combination of these two tools is a relevant French legislative solution for meeting the protection and enhancement aims of World Heritage properties extending over large areas.  

See the tools and methods

  • Act
  • Guide pratique - Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire

The State has committed to rolling out the "listed site" procedure to record and protect the sites that best exemplify and encapsulate the Outstanding Universal Value of the Loire Valley, and which also meet the eligibility criteria for this national protection. This commitment is in line with one of the guidelines in the Unesco-Loire Valley site management plan.
  • Act
  • Guide pratique - Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire

Remarkable heritage sites (SPR) maintain and enhance town and village sites in the Loire Valley whose compositional and architectural quality are a key component part of the OUV. SPRs go hand-in-hand with listed sites, thereby addressing the World Heritage considerations of large areas like the Loire Valley.



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