The law bearing on freedom of creation, architecture and cultural heritage

Published on 31 August 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Law no.2016-925, bearing on freedom of creation, architecture and cultural heritage, was enacted on 8 July 2016. It contains provisions relating to properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Among other things, it provides for: 

  • Acknowledgement of the State’s and local authorities’ joint responsibility with regard to protection, promotion and transmission of the heritage, environment and urban development of World Heritage properties;
  • Creation of buffer zones” around such properties to ensure their protection, and delimitation of such buffer zones with the local authorities concerned
  • Implementation of management plans aiming to ensure preservation of VIEWS of such properties, drawn up jointly by the State and the local authorities concerned and then approved by the administrative authorities;
  • With regard to the Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT) and Local Urban Plan (PLU): bringing it to the State’s attention when the competent authorities draw up or revise a SCoT or PLU. 

Ways of applying the law will be set by a decree issued by the Council of State. 

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